Routing No: 322078383 | NMLSR ID# 421486 | DMV (ELT)# K29

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F&A Federal Credit Union is proud to have earned BauerFinancial's highest, 5-Star rating for 112 consecutive quarters.

This achievement required F&A to maintain sufficient financial strength and stability through three recessions, a housing bubble and a pandemic.

F&A also earned a “Best of Bauer Credit Union distinction, which is reserved solely for those institutions that have earned and maintained a 5-Star Rating for 25 years (100 consecutive quarters), or longer. This latest rating was assigned in June 2023 signifying that F&A Federal Credit Union continues to be one of the strongest credit unions in the nation. 

For information about BauerFinancial, please visit

We help our members reach their financial goals at every life stage by providing access to the highest value products, superior service, and trusted advice.
