Routing No: 322078383 | NMLSR ID# 421486 | DMV (ELT)# K29

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As a financial cooperative, every member-owner has a say in the operation of F&A. Each year a volunteer Board of Directors are elected by members to work with management in implementing the Credit Union's mission and vision. The Board then appoints a Supervisory (auditing) Committee.

Any member in good standing can run for these positions.

Volunteer Login

Board of Directors

  • Richard Russell- Chair
  • Robert Heinzel- Vice Chair
  • Michael Carnes- Secretary/Treasurer
  • William "Blackie" Blackburn
  • Chris Bundesen
  • Andy Doyle
  • Mary Gutierrez
  • J. Lopez
  • Van Mark Madrigal

Supervisory Committee

  • Raymond B Smith - Chair
  • Margaret Kanishock
  • Pablo Valadez
  • Vacancy
  • Vacancy

We help our members reach their financial goals at every life stage by providing access to the highest value products, superior service, and trusted advice.
